旧臘の投稿でも触れたが(2015/12/5(土))、“万次郎は、フォーティナイナーにはなったが、「愛しのクレメンタイン Oh My Darling Clementine」を聞く前に西部を離れたのだろうか”の疑問は、とうとう6年目の半ばを迎えた。
改めて≪Clementine≫の歌についてお浚いをしたところ、万次郎の、と言うか Gold Rush の頃には、この歌は未だ生まれていなかったらしいことが判った。
すなわち、NIH、National Instituteof Environmental Health Sciences 、USA Government(アメリカ合衆国保健福祉省・保健庁(国立衛生研究所とも))のサイトで次のように記述されている:
History of the song “Clementine”
Although the author and copyright status for Clementineare "unknown," the words and music to the original version of thesong are usually attributed to Percy Montross, circa 1880. According to a notein the UK Ballad Newsgroup, Montross based his composition on Down by the RiverLiv'd a Maiden by H. S. Thompson (1863). Clementine has since become a popularsong with countless different verses for children, Scouts, etc.
Gerald Brenan attributes the melody tooriginally being an old Spanishballad in his book South from Granada. It was made popular by Mexican miners during the GoldRush. The melody was best known from Romance del Conde Olinos o Niño, asad love story very popular in Spanish-speaking cultures. It was also givenvarious English texts. No particular source is citedto verify that the song he used to hear in the 1920s in a remote Spanish village was not an old text withnew music, but Brenan states in his preface that allfacts mentioned in the book have been checked reasonably well.
≪Romancedel Conde Olinos (o Niño)≫を試聴したが、予備知識が無ければ、それとは認識できないだろう。